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ogs::magic::School Class Reference

A school of arcance magic. More...

#include <School.h>

Inheritance diagram for ogs::magic::School:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Types

enum  Type {
 Type of school. More...

Public Member Functions

 School (Type type)
 Create a new school.

Type getType () const
 Determine type of this school.

std::string getName () const
 Determine name of this school.

Detailed Description

Each type of spell belongs to exactly one school. The Wizard cclass may specialize in one of these schools.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum ogs::magic::School::Type

Enumeration values:
UNIVERSAL  Spells that deal with magic in general.
ABJURATION  Spells that provide protection or banish other creatures.

A wizard that specializes in this school is prohibited to one of Conjuration, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, or Transmutation; or both Divination and Necromancy.

CONJURATION  Spells that bring creatures or materials to the caster.

A wizard that specializes in this school is prohibited to any one of the following: (a) Evocation; (b) any two of Abjuration, Enchantment, and Illusion; (c) Transmutation; or (d) any three schools.

DIVINATION  Spells that reveal information.

A wizard that specializes in this school is prohibited to any one of the other schools of the wizard's choice.

ENCHANTMENT  Spells that enchant items and charm creatures.

A wizard that specializes in this school is prohibited to one of Abjuration, Conjuration, Evocation, Illusion, or Transmutation; or both Divination and Necromancy.

EVOCATION  Spells that manipulate matter and energy.

A wizard that specializes in this school is prohibited to one of the following: (a) Conjuration; (b) Transmutation; (c) any two of Abjuration, Enchantment, and Illusion; or (d) any three schools.

ILLUSION  Spells that alter perception and create false images.

A wizard that specializes in this school is prohibited to one of Abjuration, Conjuration, Enchantment, Evocation, or Transmutation; or both Divination and Necromancy.

NECROMANCY  Spells that manipulate life and death.

A wizard that specializes in this school is prohibited to any other school of the wizard's choice.

TRANSMUTATION  Spells that alter physical forms.

A wizard that specializes in this school is prohibited to any one of the following: (a) Conjuration; (b) Evocation; (c) any two of Abjuration, Enchantment, and Illusion; or (d) any three schools.

Reimplemented in ogs::magic::Subschool.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

School::School Type  type  )  [inline]

type Type of school (UNIVERSAL, ABJURATION, ...)
invalid_argument If type is invalid.

Member Function Documentation

std::string School::getName  )  const

"Universal", "Abjuration", ...

Reimplemented in ogs::magic::Subschool.

School::Type ogs::magic::School::getType  )  const [inline]

Type of school.

Reimplemented in ogs::magic::Subschool.

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Generated on Sun Apr 20 03:40:07 2003 for Open Gaming System (OGS) by doxygen1.3