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ogs::cclasses::Ranger Class Reference

A character class skilled at outdoor hunting and survival. More...

#include <Ranger.h>

Inheritance diagram for ogs::cclasses::Ranger:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for ogs::cclasses::Ranger:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Ranger (ogs::core::XP::Level xpLevel=1)
 Create a new Ranger cclass.

ogs::magic::SpellCounts getSpellsPerDay () const

Static Public Attributes

const ogs::core::Die::Sides HIT_DIE = ogs::core::Die::d10
 Hit die of rangers.

const ogs::core::Skill::Points SKILL_RATE = 4
 Skill rate of rangers.

Protected Member Functions

ogs::core::Modifier::Value getBaseAttackValue () const
 Determine the value of base attack bonus for this cclass.

ogs::core::Modifier::Value getBaseFortSaveValue () const
 Determine the value of base Fortitude save bonus for this cclass.

Detailed Description

Rangers are often found serving as scouts, trackers, bounty hunters, frontiersmen, and explorers. They often chase and defend against certain species that they have an advantage when fighting with these creatures. Starting at 1st-level and every five levels after that, a ranger may select a favored enemy. Rangers gain a +1 bonus to Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Wilderness Lore skill checks against favored enemies. They get the same bonus to damage (unless the creature is immune to critical hits) for melee weapons and ranged weapons when within 30 feet. Each bonus for a new favored enemy starts at +1 and goes up by +1 every five levels.

Rangers gain the Light Armor, Medium Armor, and Shield Proficiency feats at 1st-level as well as the Simple Weapon and Martial Weapon (All) Proficiency feats. They also gain the Track feat automatically at 1st-level. Rangers with a +9 base attack bonus can also select the Improved Two-Weapon Fighting feat if they do not have the other prerequisites for the feat. Rangers can also cast divine spells starting at 4th-level. Their caster level is one-half their cclass experience level.

Rangers typically exist in fantasy campaign settings.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ogs::cclasses::Ranger::Ranger ogs::core::XP::Level  xpLevel = 1  )  [inline]

xpLevel Experience level of ranger.

Member Function Documentation

ogs::core::Modifier::Value ogs::cclasses::Ranger::getBaseAttackValue  )  const [inline, protected]

Rangers use the strong advancement rate for base attack bonuses.

Value of base attack bonus.

ogs::core::Modifier::Value ogs::cclasses::Ranger::getBaseFortSaveValue  )  const [inline, protected]

Rangers use the strong advancement rate for base Fortitude save bonuses.

Value of base Fortitude save bonus.

Member Data Documentation

const ogs::core::Die::Sides ogs::cclasses::Ranger::HIT_DIE = ogs::core::Die::d10 [static]

Rangers use d10 for their hit die.

const ogs::core::Skill::Points ogs::cclasses::Ranger::SKILL_RATE = 4 [static]

Rangers gain 4 skill points per experience level.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sun Apr 20 03:37:22 2003 for Open Gaming System (OGS) by doxygen1.3