OGS Java API Spec

Package ogs.core

The ogs.core package contains types are are used in all open games regardless of setting.


Interface Summary
Detail A detail is a simple feature that describes an object.

Class Summary
Abilities A set of ability scores.
Ability A basic characteristic of an entity.
BodyPart A part of the body where items can be equipped.
CClass A character class is an occupation or vocation of a character.
Character A character is a fictional individual in a campaign setting.
Creature A creature is a living entity.
Defense A defense (also known as armor class) is a rating of the defensive capabilities of an entity.
Die A die generates random numbers by simulating rolls of polyhedral die.
Entity An object that exists in the game world.
Experience A utility class for calculating experience points, levels, and other attributes that depend on experience.
Feat A feat is a feature that provides a special power, property, or other improvement.
Feature A feature is an object that can be attached to another object.
Item An item is a entity that can be used by a creature.
Modifier A modifier is an integer value added to another integer value.
Modifiers A list of modifiers.
Saves A set of saving throw modifiers.
Size The overall size of an entity falls into one of nine categories.
Skill A feature that is checked for success or failure.
Strength An ability that determines physical power and force.

Package ogs.core Description

The ogs.core package contains types are are used in all open games regardless of setting.

OGS Java API Spec